Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas 2012...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! So far this holiday has been so much fun, spent the evening with the boy's family! Playing with his niece and the rest of the fam! We exchanged one gift last night and we're saving the other for when we're back home at the apartment (weird to say that's home but it's a good kind of weird). I was kind of a brat about ideas for me this year so when he  brought out a big blue Tiffany & Co. box I was very very curious about the contents! Needless to say I didn't wait long to pull that white ribbon and see what was inside!

I absolutely love this cute little bow mug and intend on using it as a vase or something, definitely too adorable to drink out of! And the box will be put to good use as well!
I hope everyone has a magical, warm, and joyful holiday with lots of ambition for the New Year! Until then, I'll be seeing you pretties!

1 comment:

  1. Kyle wins. That is such a delicately lovely mug. So you. He definitely got the cutest one they have.
