So here I am after work minding my own business looking through the new Instyle Makeover with Rachel Bilson on the cover (who I am obsessed with since her days on the O.C.) and what to my wandering eyes do appear but a full length mirror that opens up to hold your jewelry!!!!!!!!! I almost fell out of bed but my neck is bothering me so it hurt too much. I am constantly frustrated with my closet and jewelry box because I can't ever see anything and forget what I have. Well this amazing mirror holds 350 pieces of jewelry whilst multitasking as a mirror so you can see if the piece you chose looks good with your outfit! I am so pumped. Of course the white version is on a wait-list but whatever so worth the wait. Now I just have to figure out where to put it.
Definitely pick up the Instyle Makeover issue to see what other clutter ideas they have for the home, it's pretty amazing.
(Gold and Silver Safekeeper mirrored cabinet, Clever & Unique Creations by Lori Greiner $149)
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